
I’ve always been a recorder, from scribbling notes about outings, thoughts and life to making lists of plants and wildlife that I’d seen when I’ve been out. In some ways I feel that I might have fitted better if I’d been born a century or two earlier and could have explored the world recording the wonders of nature as I saw them. However, as the Victorians and Edwardians had uninformed and misguided ideas on conservation on good days and much worse on bad, and my artistic abilities don’t equal those of a either an mediocre Victorian or Edwardian artist, some modern form of media is required. So inspired by those that have already taken the plunge its time to put more than just a toe in the water.

So me – I live in the amazing and infinitely variable Scottish Borders, from the safe agricultural and rolling lowlands to the dramatic and wild uplands. Maybe not big and sexy as the Highlands, maybe just passed through on the way to somewhere else, but still exceptionally special. Recently I realised that I’ve lost my roots and have become a bureaucrat, pushing figures and fitting ideas to rules and regulations rather than what is correct for the biodiversity. I hope that blogging will remind me of what I’m good at and get me to back to doing more that just looking but actually seeing again!